NZDF Marae/Tūrangawaewae
Marae/Tūrangawaewae o Te Ope Kātua
Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa – The New Zealand Defence Force, translates as the troop or body moving together as the main defensive fortification of the pā, the principle defensive component of Aotearoa.
The NZDF takes pride in incorporating New Zealand’s military heritage and Māori practices and customs into the way the force operates. This projects a distinctly New Zealand perspective, strengthening cohesion and enhancing operational effectiveness. Māori customs and practices are integrated into NZDF culture at every level – military ethos and values, ceremonies and parades, coursing and education, health and wellness.
The marae/tūrangawaewae is the first representation of Te Taha Whānau that we experience as a service person. It is why we incorporate it as part of our pepeha. It is our link to our wider whānau, a link to our roots.
Taiwhanga - Locations
Each service in the NZDF has it’s own unique service culture, tikanga (protocols) and whare karakia (meeting house).

Te Taua Moana Marae – RNZ Navy marae.
Te Taua Moana Marae. The RNZ Navy marae is located on the foreshore of Ngataringa Bay, supporting Devonport Naval base.

Rongomaraeroa-o-ngā-hau-e-whā The New Zealand Army National Marae
Rongomaraeroa-o-ngā-hau-e-whā. The Army National marae is located just outside the Waiouru Military base in the Central Plateau, supporting the NZ Army.

RNZAF Tūrangawaewae - Air Force
RNZAF Tūrangawaewae is located on Ōhakea Air Force base in the Manawatū.
He taua is a haka taparahi, a haka that is performed without weapons. It was written by WO (retd) Wallace RNZAF, in response to a request from an NZDF sports team. Although each of the Services have their own haka, our Defence Force frequently comes together for many activities including operational deployments. This haka could be used on such occasions as and when more than one Service combines.
Te haka mō Te Ope Kātua
He Taua!
Torona kei waho!
Kei waho!
He taua!
He taua!
Mā wai e tū ake?!
Taua Moana!
Taua-a-Rangi e!
Ko te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa e!
He toki nā Tū
He toki nā Rongo e, Iahaha!
Mate atu he toa...
Ara mai rā he toa!
Ngā rau e toru o te patu kotahi e!
Ana! Ana! Ana! (Ksss aue hi!)