I am a retired military member

While you're no longer with the NZDF, there’s great information on this site for you.
This website has a range of resources to help you stay well and thrive as you make the transition into the broader community; and to help you learn more about the support and connections you can access, having left NZDF.
Some sections that may be particularly useful for you include:
Your Health – an introduction to the four domains of Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social/Whanau Health, common health concerns and strategies for enhancing health.
You can also find tips on managing some of the challenges associated with life after service including deployment and service experiences and transition.
There is also information on some of the broader challenges of everyday living such as tips on nutrition and exercise, sleep, healthy drinking habits, gaming, navigating life changes, and tips for managing finances.
There are a range of self-checks you can do to learn more about your health, and some tips for setting some goals and coming up with a plan of action if you want to make some changes.
You can learn more about the services and support available to retired community members and those with qualifying service as Veterans, defence community networks, and how you can support others. There are also a range of stories about health journeys from members across our community, as well as videos on a range of topics.
If you cant find what you're looking for, try out the search engine. We welcome your feedback and suggestions about other resources you would like to find on this site (Contact Us).
Useful resources
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